Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pouches !!!!!

Bagi menunaikan janji dengan emak, semalam dan hari ini saya buat beberapa pouches dengan menggunakan lebihan kain projek yang ada. Traaaaaaa…..Inilah hasilnya and it is a wow !!! from me because this is the first time saya cuba buat pouches ni. Aren’t them adorable?…


It started with both of these small 8in X 4in multi purpose pouches.


Followed by this one – menggunakan kain until the last pieces but I think kalau dijual kelima-limanya this one akan laku dulu kot.. about 5in X 10in


Curious to know what does the pouches look like if I increase the dimension.. so the size of the following pouches are 8in  X 8 in. One of them will be used to keep the remnants of my sewing projects macam potongan benang dll..


What am I going to do with all of them? Well, Mak and Yati, choose which one of  them that you like, the remainder will be given to friends or customers as added value :)